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Undercover roots

So here are the pictures I promised! My roots are not showing much minus in the front. Maybe we (my hair and I) can rock this style for a bit longer.

Side view



They're coming in, they're coming in! No, no, not the saints, but my natural hair! Below is a picture of me mid-shampoo. My natural hair is finally showing it's colors :-) But with that comes hardships. My roots are showing and these cold wave rods may not suffice for much longer. I will take a picture of my most recent set once I take the rods out. I feel braids coming on for the next two months or maybe more braid outs. I'll be in Tanzania so it should not be too expensive. Awesome, that will be the game plan.

On another note, I came home to find some Jane Carter Solutions products. I must admit, my face lit up! If you haven't heard about Jane Cater products, you must become acquainted at! I picked up my Jane Carter Solutions Nourish & Shine from Wholefoods but they now sell it at Target.

After that wash, I mixed Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Gueye's Fast Grow Hair Oil (, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil and Suave tropical coconut conditioner.
 Side note: I emptied out the Hollywood Beauty Olive Oil and replaced it with Extra Virgin Olive Oil.