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The Quiet After the Storm

So tomorrow I celebrate my two month anniversary of my big chop. Happy two month to my lil' fro! I am not sure if it is because I have been busy with school and life, but the time breezed on by! I am now going on 8 weeks as a natural and I just wanted to give you all insight on how my experience has been thus far.

Naturals Have More Fun!

You riiiight! No just kidding lol. Before I decided to transition and finally cut my relaxed hair off, I did a lot of research. I found myself looking up various articles and watching naturals on YouTube during my study breaks (which sometimes went on for hours). Let's just say that I have some what of an addictive personality. I was obsessed with everything pertaining to natural hair! I joined lots of forums, two of which I still frequent often. I was/still am obsessed with natural beauties! So much so that my sister would point out women with natural hair to me if we were walking down the street and I happened to be looking in a different direction. Soho in the beginning of the summer was my playground of beautiful naturals :-)

Despite all of the hype, I have not noticed much of a change that articles on this topic often try to highlight. I do not see different men approaching me. As a Human Evolutionary Biology concentrator and a science nerd, I would love to see some qualitative and quantitative studies done on this, although it would be insanely difficult. But back to the topic of discussion: no, I am NOT having more fun. Blimey. I am having fun learning more about my natural hair and exploring different styles. I'll tell you this though, right after I big chopped, a guy told me I was beautiful and my face lit up.

It's Skin Deep

When I first ventured into natural hair-dom, my natural hair guru, FoolProofDiva, advised me to begin looking at  more pictures of natural beauties. Initially I was thinking, "yes, great way for me to accumulate hairstyle ideas", but there was much more to it than that. Piercing the transparent veneer of looking at images for hairstyles, my perception of beauty slowly shifted and no, it was not over night. We all learn about and experience the euro-centric view of popular culture that permeates our society, but the views surrounding hair did not become real to me until I was making that transformation myself. As I mentioned before, I became more cognizant of women with natural hair. Bombarding myself with images of bombshell naturals normalized it in my mind. This was definitely clutch for me when I decided to finally chop my hair off!

I noticed a shift in myself and my perception of beauty. A lot of women are afraid to go natural because they believe it will not look good on them. I had a lot of friends tell me this when I informed them I was transitioning. UMM hello?!?! Seeing as I rocked relaxed hair for a long time,  I definitely understand the sentiments. My point of contention is when our society has made it so that women are afraid to rock what natural grows out of their head. I fantasize about a time when all of my friends will be natural. What a beautiful day that will be.

It is interesting to return to campus and see the same women who have had natural hair. I'll be honest, I used to give side eyes every now and then and that speaks volumes to the effects of ignorance. I simply did not understand. I thought natural 4a/4b hair was difficult to manage and was unable to grapple with why these women didn't go to the creamy crack for immediate relief. I'm glad I now understand. When I pass another sis-tah with a twa, I can't help but smile.

These are my go to youtubers! Please suggests others to me.
Br0nzeqt and KimmayTube


The Big Chop!

So initially, I was going to blog about my hair journey and maintaining it while in the motherland for the past two months, but something bigger has happened... That's right, I did the big chop! After 6 months and four days of not getting a touch up and maintaining two textures, I was getting a bit frustrated. Quite frankly, my permed ends were just like dead weight. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved experimenting with my hairstyles during the transition and I can't wait for my natural hair to get some length so I can do those styles again!

So this past Friday when I was having a diva day with my mother, I knew it was time. I'd been searching for salons and even considered booking an appointment at Miss Jessie's in Soho. But I knew that would take too long (super pricey) and I wanted it done immediately! So where do I go? My brother's barber. I've never heard anything as sweet as clippers buzzing near my ear. It was really soothing lol. AND it was only $14! He picked out my hair then went at it with the scissors. It was very dramatic... the hair was slowly falling to the ground. My mother was worried lol. Here are some pictures!

This is the shortest my hair has ever been in my life! The first day I was really self-conscious but now I'm loving it! It's so easy to manage and has me extra excited about Rugby season. There's nothing like getting a touch up then playing in a game outside on a rainy day :-( So far I've only done a twist out and a wash and go. Excited to be 100% natural!

NP: Free by Destiny's Child... "Ain't no feeling like being free!"


Undercover roots

So here are the pictures I promised! My roots are not showing much minus in the front. Maybe we (my hair and I) can rock this style for a bit longer.

Side view



They're coming in, they're coming in! No, no, not the saints, but my natural hair! Below is a picture of me mid-shampoo. My natural hair is finally showing it's colors :-) But with that comes hardships. My roots are showing and these cold wave rods may not suffice for much longer. I will take a picture of my most recent set once I take the rods out. I feel braids coming on for the next two months or maybe more braid outs. I'll be in Tanzania so it should not be too expensive. Awesome, that will be the game plan.

On another note, I came home to find some Jane Carter Solutions products. I must admit, my face lit up! If you haven't heard about Jane Cater products, you must become acquainted at! I picked up my Jane Carter Solutions Nourish & Shine from Wholefoods but they now sell it at Target.

After that wash, I mixed Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Gueye's Fast Grow Hair Oil (, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil and Suave tropical coconut conditioner.
 Side note: I emptied out the Hollywood Beauty Olive Oil and replaced it with Extra Virgin Olive Oil.


Product Junkie!

So since starting this journey, I've gone product crazy! I've been slowing down lately simply because I won't be able to tell what is working for my hair if I'm using a million and three products in it. I've also gotten rid of a couple of products that I was using before, so I would argue that the new purchases were very necessary  :-) Side note! A huge thanks to Fool Proof Diva ( for all the product and maintenance advice! My hair would be absolutely HAMish if it weren't for her.

So here are the products I'm using right now!

Suave clarifying shampoo (once a month)

Organix Acai Berry Conditioner
Organix Coconut Milk Conditioner
Suave Tropical Coconut Conditioner

Honey!** (Mix in to pre-poos and conditioners)

ORS Replenishing Pak
ORS Hair Mayonnaise

Neutrogena triple moisture leave-in
Jane Carter Nourish and Shine**

Hollywood Beauty Castor Oil*
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil**
Extra Virgin Olive Oil

I believe that's all I use. If not Ill update later. I definitely need to step up my natural oil game and ease off the conditioners! I tend to mix my conditioners but I think I'm going to stick to the Suave tropical coconut ($1.00!!!) because its sooo cheap and if I'm co-washing my hair every 3-4 days, cheap=great. I definitely got the Organix during a buy one get one free deal though and I love the smell of the acai berry mixed with the honey. I also need to purchase a stronger protein treatment.

That's all for now! Heading to the city on this beautiful day :-)


Going Napppp-tural

I've been on many journeys in my life and I can't wait for the others I will have to take. My current journey... my hair. ::deep breath:: I remember the first time I was introduced to the creamy crack. I trekked all the way to Ocean Ave to hit up this particular Dominican spot... Miguelina's. I was 12. TWELVE!!! Goodness. I swear I was addicted after that. The chemicals seeped deep and took over lol.

As of today, I am 2 months, 3 weeks and 5 days post my last touch up... Yes I'm keeping track lol. Transitioning has been an informative process. I've been learning so much about Black hair care since I've decided to go natural. I definitely did not know that relaxed hair was the driest type of hair! Maybe that was just me. I'm hoping to transition for about a year or so then make that big chop (BC). The fact of the matter is, I've been transitioning for only 3months and I'm already frustrated with my relaxed hair! lol I want to go clip clip, bye bye to it. Secretly, I have been trimming it myself when ever I had these feelings lol.

My favorite products without a doubt are my Extra Virgin Coconut Oil and my Jane Carter Nourish and Shine. I'm becoming some sort of a product junkie and I'm trying to check myself (before my pockets do!) I love love love co-washing (conditioner washing). Its amazing! I do it about every 3-4 days.

Maybe Ill blog more on my healthy hair journey!

Here are some pictures!

My first time using cold wave rods!
My naps are showing! Gel much?!

A shot of the new growth!

Just washed and air dry!

New growth.

Too lazy to curl. No heat challenge is hard sometimes.

Trying to incorporate braids this time to mix it up! lol

Done in time for graduation... need to get those whispies under control.
(I'm clothed by the way lol. I was wearing a tube dress.)


No coincidence

There's absolutely no coincidence that I remembered this blog. Lots has happened since I last wrote. I did not really follow through with my Jamaica blogging because I started writing in my journal, but it was beyond an amazing experience.

This was a beautiful year for me. Reunited with my friends. Confused by love. Caught up in me. Most importantly, killing the game academically :-)

This summer is going to be another great one. I've found my passion and seek to further explore it with research this summer. Ever watched The Business of Being Born?? Well that along with my Soc Anal 28: Intro to Medical Anthro and EDC 187: The Quality of Health Care in America all shifted my interest in OB/GYN to midwifery. Randomness no?? lol I know. Evil side eye for myself!

But back to my point! I'll be going to Jamaica (again!) in a couple of weeks. Hope to get some of my health policy research on elective cesarean sections done while down there. Ill also be in Tanzania for two months this summer with a program, Support for International Change. Essentially I'll be teaching an HIV/AIDS curriculum in a village in Babati. TWO MONTHS! Goodness. I plan to complete some of my health policy research there as well. I'm not really sure how often Ill be having time to access the internet, but I hope to blog this summer!

OHHHH one more thing! I'm going natural! Hair journey here we come lol. My reason... I guess I'm getting tired of this processed hair on my head. I miss my thick lovely hair and want it back. Like right now! I've been transitioning for 10weeks so far. Probably won't BC (big chop) until a year in. I've been learning tons about black hair care and natural products. Its fun so far.

Right now I'm talking to myself lol. Haven't really told anyone about this since 2008 sooo yea. lol. For this reason, I'm outie and going back to watching LOST. Last season. Tear.

Sunny, beautiful day and done with junior year? Yeaaa buddd-eeee.